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While no single aetiology is responsible for all cases, 70 per cent of nulliparae and 80 per cent of multiparae will respond to oxytocin in terms of improvement in the rate of cervical dilatation. There is little doubt, however, that drug use during pregnancy is linked to poorer outcomes. During the third trimester, this impaired ability to compensate for the insulin resistance results in an increase in blood glucose levels in response to a glucose load. Important issues relate to the failure to identify anal sphincter damage, which may only become apparent later. There have been a few preliminary reports of laparoscopic or microsurgical excision or coagulation12 of adenomyosis with variable results. Where an episiotomy is performed, the recommended technique is a mediolateral episiotomy originating at the vaginal fourchette and usually directed to the right side. Treatment may be required if there are no signs of spontaneous onset of puberty, although most girls with constitutional delay will proceed to normal development if left untreated. A clear plan of action should be agreed from the outset, along with a discussion of the reasons for undertaking all the proposed investigations. In these cases, sonography may be useful to demonstrate a mass and localize biopsy. Major structural malformations 217 With the improvements in paediatric cardiac surgery, prenatal diagnosis of cardiac conditions has become much more important. The mass may distend the duct, or occasionally sessile papillomas may produce duct irregularity. Repeating the blood pressure, or obtaining a series of readings in the day unit, will limit the overdiagnosis of hypertension [E]. Like heterogeneous calcifications, fine linear and branching calcifications are irregular calcifications that vary in size and density. In practice, cervicograms only describe cervical dilatation in the active phase of labour. The mass is missed for two reasons: (1) the echogenicity of the mass matches the surrounding tissues because the dynamic range of the imaging program is too high, and (2) the internal architecture of the mass cannot be resolved due to poor resolution from the lower frequency. This treatment is indicated to improve psychological and sexual outcomes; however, there have been no Reproductive medicine 520 Normal and abnormal development of the genitalia studies to provide evidence that improvements in these outcomes are achieved. Sebum secretion increases in pregnancy and may be responsible for the common deterioration of acne during pregnancy. Disseminated disease carries the worst prognosis; with antiviral treatment, mortality is around 30 per cent and 17 per cent suffer long-term seqeulae. It is helpful for parents to be able to express their distress freely and without interruption. Invasive prenatal testing is available: chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, cordocentesis. A policy of delivering all such women by caesarean section will undoubtedly also lead to an increase in maternal morbidity and perhaps mortality. During episodes of hypoxia, blood flow is distributed in order to preserve blood supplies to vital organs, namely the brain, heart and adrenals. For those with poorly controlled or severe asthma, care should be multidisciplinary, preferably through a highrisk antenatal clinic with general medical input [E]. Investigation and treatment of the pregnant patient with stroke obviously require significant input from neurologists and neurosurgeons. Individual risk factors must be considered First stage of labour 398 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia will be to the detriment of uteroplacental blood flow. The prognosis depends on the presence of brain tissue within the sac and other associated intracranial features. Ventouse delivery in a multiparous woman may not require any episiotomy, and an intact perineum may result. Forceps and vacuum extractor deliveries before full dilatation of the cervix are contraindicated, although possible exceptions occur with the vacuum delivery of a second twin where the cervix has contracted or with a prolapsed cord at 9 cm if rapid delivery is anticipated [E]. Ovarian failure: no secondary sexual development in most cases, occasionally secondary amenorrhoea in mosaics.

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High-intensity foci consistent with calcifications are also evident in this examination. The main clue that helps to differentiate this mass from the surrounding parenchyma is focal shadowing from the mass. A cross section of one abnormal duct demonstrates some asymmetric thickening on one wall (arrow). The parenchymal density should gradually decrease until it blends into the axilla. Kiellands forceps are the most commonly utilized instrument for rotational forceps deliveries and, as specific techniques are required, only those who have been properly trained in their use should employ them. After 5 years, the local recurrence rate for lumpectomy and radiation therapy is approximately 3 to 5%, but for lumpectomy alone, the rate is between 12 and 19%. It was unchanged in those who remained nulliparous or who had a history of early pregnancy loss or abortion. Surgery for an adnexal mass in pregnancy usually involves a lower midline incision, which allows adequate access with minimal uterine manipulation. In this situation, the haemorrhagic history is in excess of that expected from the platelet count, and patients may give a history of excessive bruising or bleeding, even with a the factors involved in the cessation of bleeding are: 1 Haemostasis. Transverse vaginal septae can be of varying thicknesses, and complete removal is essential to try to prevent a stenotic ring at the site of surgery. Central distortion results when the ductal and trabecular lines deviate from the nipple. Although we always perform implant-displaced views, these views are not shown in this book unless they provide specific information for the case. With inhalational agent monitoring now universally available, the risk of awareness in obstetric anaesthesia should have been consigned to history. Although miscarriage is the most common outcome, aminopterin may cause neural tube, skeletal and clefting abnormalities. If the history suggests penile or prostatic problems, it is advisable to refer for a urological opinion. Temporal relationships of oestrogen, progesterone, and luteinizing hormone levels to ovulation in women and infrahuman primates. However, it is important that the grieving process is complete (as much as can ever be so) before the next child. A systematic review4 of published papers on pelvic pain in women in the United Kingdom estimated a prevalence rate of between 45 and 95 per cent for dysmenorrhoea. In the upper inner right breast, there is clumped enhancement in a linear distribution (square). Limited Specific guidelines also exist for the management of acute asthma attacks and these should also be adhered to in pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasound is useful in identifying endometriomas, but lacks specificity [A]. However, many women enter pregnancy already iron deficient, or become so during pregnancy. General anaesthesia is indicated for the majority of caesarean sections where there is immediate threat to the life of the mother or fetus and a regional technique is absolutely contraindicated or has failed. If the diagnosis is confirmed, referral to the appropriate paediatric haemophilia centre should be made and follow up arranged prior to discharge home. These include urinary tract infection (which often coincides with hyperemesis), thyrotoxicosis (where symptoms of weight loss, diarrhoea and tachycardia precede the pregnancy) and cholecystitis. There are significant iron demands during pregnancy, secondary to expanding red cell mass and fetal requirements, which can only be met by a limited increase in iron absorption, and by utilization of iron stores. Other important drug effects For reasons that are not entirely clear, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitone (and even valproate) cause vitamin K deficiency, perhaps by inducing liver enzymes responsible for its oxidative degradation. It has also been shown that ultrasonographically visible anal sphincter defects can be demonstrated in women who were demonstrated to have an intact anal sphincter at the time of delivery. Many At birth, the major concerns relate to the degree of lung hypoplasia and amount of bowel and other abdominal content in the chest. Short-interval follow-up of a small (< 1 cm), well-circumscribed mass that has a low probability of malignancy is a reasonable method to avoid unnecessary biopsies.

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In order to achieve this, antibodies must have at least two antigen-combining sites. Transplacental cardioversion of intrauterine supraventricular tachycardia with digitalis. Anecdotal evidence recommends that this should occur in the second trimester, as leaving it until later risks preterm labour [E]. Uterine contractions have peaked in terms of strength and frequency, and the resulting intrauterine and uterine wall pressures are further increased by maternal pushing. Leaving the entire placenta in place this has been described where no plane of cleavage can be identified. When disrupted, the anal sphincter retracts, forming a dimple on either side of the anal canal. The ethambutol can be stopped when sensitivities show that the other two drugs are adequate. In the right upper outer quadrant, there is an irregular hypoechoic mass that corresponds to the architectural distortion identified on. Myofibroblastoma of male breast: report of three cases and review of the literature. The treatment of myeloma has been unsatisfactory with only a modest increase in survival following courses of melphalan (a cytotoxic drug) and prednisolone. When individual bleeding arteries are identified, they should be ligated separately. Plasma folate concentrations decrease throughout pregnancy, reaching half the non-pregnant levels by term. Frequent and prolonged clinically evident seizures should be treated promptly with anticonvulsant(s). Unfortunately, the 10-day course of coamoxiclav led to a significant increase in proven neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, from 0. The final decision can only be made when the anaesthetist has all the facts at his or her disposal. It is undoubtedly the case that skilled obstetricians should supervise complex operative deliveries, whatever time of day they occur [C]. Her doctors believed that both her life and the life of her fetus were at risk and sought court authority to proceed with the caesarean section, even in the face of her objections. An unusual constellation of sonographic findings associated with congenital syphilis. Obstructive male infertility Obstruction can occur at any level of the male reproductive tract from the rete testis and the epididymis to the vas deferens. Overall, it is estimated that a failed induction in the presence of an unfavourable cervix is found in 15 per cent of cases. The majority of cases are type 1, and most will normalize during pregnancy with no haemostatic support being required until the postnatal period, if at all. The clinical features of sickle cell disease include: General Chronic anaemia Iron overload Hepatic dysfunction Endocrine dysfunction Increased risk of infection Cardiomyopathy Osteoporosis Transfusion transmitted infections In pregnancy Partner screening if not known Discuss prenatal diagnosis if required Infection During pregnancy, crises may become more frequent and close attention must be paid to optimal management. This is particularly relevant in underdeveloped countries and among the socially deprived in industrialized communities.

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Mammographically, the mass is well defined, but the density of the mass varies with its composition. The abnormal plasma cells accumulate in bone marrow, replacing the normal marrow elements, and cause bone pain and, in some cases, pathological fracture (Table 14. From these data, the lower limit of maximum slope dilatation of 1 cm/hour was produced. This may present with a fetal tachycardia progressing rapidly to a sinusoidal cardiotocography and finally a terminal bradycardia. However, it is important to understand both from a clinical point of view and a medicolegal perspective that not all neonatal encephalopathies are the result of hypoxia or asphyxia and other causes should be ruled out, especially when the clinical history is ambiguous. As the judge in that case said: Morally, this decision rests with the defendant, and in the view of the court, the refusal of the defendant is morally indefensible. The mammographic mass corresponds to a well-circumscribed, hypoechoic oval mass with strong acoustic enhancement. Benign fat necrosis simulating bilateral breast malignancy after reduction mammoplasty. It is important to recognize that although epidural analgesia is associated with an increase in the rate of instrumental vaginal delivery, there is no evidence of an increased risk of delivery by caesarean section [A]. High-grade ductal carcinoma in situ produces extensive calcified necrosis that fills the ducts. Statement of the British Association of Paediatric Surgeons Working Party on the Surgical Management of Children Born with Ambiguous Genitalia, July 2001. Intrapartum Delivery during the viraemic period can be hazardous to both the mother and baby. Erbs palsy is due to damage to the brachial plexus (cervical roots C5, 6 and 7), and is commonly associated with traction on the neck and shoulders during difficult deliveries,3 although cases occurring in infants delivered by caesarean section have been reported. Even if the examiner is experienced, poor technique or equipment may prevent the imager from identifying masses. Although at autopsy 25% of women have fibrocystic changes, only 10% of women older than 60 years have symptoms. There is an ill-defined, irregular, spiculated mass in the left inferior outer breast that is associated with heterogeneous calcifications that are scattered throughout the quadrant. Intracytoplasmic glycogen vacuoles appear and transudation of plasma occurs, contributing to endometrial secretion. In contrast, maternal satisfaction, particularly among multiparous women, was greater with management at home. Continuity of care provided by a group of midwives is associated with lower intervention rates and beneficial psychosocial outcomes. It is most commonly seen in growth-restricted and preterm small infants, or as part of the clinical picture in the sick infant. The other was a larger study comparing transdermal oestradiol and cyclical progesterone with no treatment. Deciding when to attempt a vaginal delivery There has been much debate about when a vaginal delivery can be expected and when it is unlikely to occur. It should be noted that although such classification systems are useful in the management of disease associated with impaired fertility, they correlate poorly with pain symptoms [C]. It must be remembered that at least 40 per cent of cases of moderate to severe birth asphyxia in term pregnancies will occur to women in whom no antepartum risk factors were identified. Oxytocin augmentation during this phase does not result in an increase in the vaginal delivery rate, but rather a 10-fold increase in the incidence of caesarean delivery and a 3-fold increase in low Apgar scores. The recipient twin is usually appropriately grown for gestational age, has a large distended bladder and may, if severely compromised, be hydropic (see Chapter 17, Fetal hydrops).

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Sequential exposure to oestrogen and progesterone, as a consequence of cyclical ovarian activity, results in repeated episodes of cellular proliferation and differentiation with regular menstrual bleeding. Signs of metastatic axillary lymph node disease include (1) eccentric cortical thickening, (2) convex cortical bulge into the hilum, (3) severe reduction or obliteration of the hilum, (4) loss of smooth oval contour with development of angular margins, (5) severe hypoechogenicity of the cortex, and (6) loss of ellipsoid shape with abnormal "rounding" of the lymph node. Stimulation of the fetus by shaking, vibration or even by sound profoundly alters fetal behaviour and heart rate. Identification of the lower margin of the cervix may be exceedingly difficult, and a subtotal procedure may need to be considered. To perform this procedure, it is critical that one be confident in locating the calcifications. Otherwise, for the purposes of early neonatal resuscitation, there is no need for other special measures. However, the Consensus Statement of the International Cerebral Palsy Task Force reported that intrapartum hypoxia could at most be responsible for only one in ten cases of cerebral palsy. Principles of active immunization the aim of active immunization is to produce both a humoral and cellular response. In symptomatic women, a positive fibronectin test carries a risk of delivery within 28 days of up to 70 per cent, regardless of initial cervical length. Whether this failure is related to the volume of menstrual debris that reaches the pelvis or to a defect in the local peritoneal defence system remains unresolved. The ability of the doctor to understand the patient, and the patient to understand the doctor. This type is commonly associated with diffuse lymphatic extension and often involves the skin. When clumped enhancement involves larger areas of the breast, this enhancement pattern looks like cobblestones. Fetal infection the implications to the fetus of syphilis infections are discussed in Chapter 13, Fetal infections. Women with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are at risk of microvascular and macrovascular complications, resulting in a reduced life expectancy. In young sexually active women, chlamydial infection6 may present with intermenstrual or postcoital bleeding. Should the posterior hip reach the pelvic floor first, it undergoes long anterior rotation. Rotational forceps deliveries have been abandoned in many institutions as they have been associated with spiral tears of the vagina and other soft tissue injuries, and in some cases uterine rupture. Evidence for the extent of the effects of environmental toxins on male fertility is lacking. It seemed a reasonable assumption that suctioning in this way would minimize the amount of meconium in the upper airway and thus reduce the amount aspirated during the onset of respiration. The loss of a baby with a severe malformation should not be interpreted as a blessing; it may leave parents with significant fears for the future. As discussed in Chapter 1, this practice developed because it was observed that milkmaids exposed to cowpox did not develop severe illness with smallpox. Recognition of rubella susceptibility prior to pregnancy is an important preventative strategy as it allows immunization of these seronegative women. Patients who are hypothermic should not be warmed and those who are pyrexial should receive antipyretics [C]. Protrusio acetabulae (the Otto pelvis): the acetabular heads protrude medially to distort the pelvic cavity and obstruct labour. As a result of this type of rupture, the internal contents of the implant (silicone or water) are extruded outside the capsule into the surrounding tissues.

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The incidence of congenital anomalies is increased significantly amongst the offspring of epileptic mothers [B]. Short periods of reduced variability (particularly when associated with an inactive baby) can be entirely physiological, but in most cases variability will have recovered within 45 minutes. These malignancies have been reported to present as mammographic masses, usually with ill-defined margins. Results showed no significant difference in efficacy, even with the use of cyclical hormones, although one trial reported a reduced response and a greater drop-out rate in the cyclical add-back group. The patient is sent for right breast sonographic examination to identify and potentially biopsy these findings. Delivery of the posterior arm By advancing a hand into the uterus posteriorly and finding the fetal hand, delivery of the posterior fetal arm can be achieved by sweeping it across the fetal chest. The sestamibi exam shows reduction of breast activity and disappearance of the activity in the axilla. If a midline extension is required, the T-incision, in future pregnancies vaginal delivery will be contraindicated because of an increased risk of uterine rupture [C]. Invasive lobular carcinoma: sonographic appearance and role of sonography in improving diagnostic sensitivity. Vaginal samples were taken and blindly analysed later for diamine oxidase, an enzyme that is absent from urine or vaginal secretions but present in large amounts in amniotic fluid. However, an approach to abdominal pain in pregnancy must enable identification of serious pathology to allow successful treatment to be implemented. Ideally, induction of labour and caesarean section are performed only for obstetric reasons. Postpartum complications: neonatal 470 Neonatal resuscitation Once the endotracheal tube has been positioned, the ventilatory circuit can be attached and ventilatory breaths delivered. Disadvantages include the use of radiation, an allergic reaction to the dye used and a 5 per cent risk of causing thrombosis. This extreme discrepancy in appearance is characteristic of either posttraumatic or radial scars. It is accepted practice in this situation to provide progesterone supplementation until the second trimester is reached [D]. However, because these calcifications could not be optimally imaged mammographically, sonographic confirmation of multifocal disease was useful. Whichever method is used, it is important to remember that complications, such as uterine rupture and shoulder dystocia, can occur and management must be safe. Initially a maculopapular rash, this rapidly turns to Herpes viruses 163 vesicles and then crusts over. Consultant diabetologist involvement is very important at this time, and especially when the patient is converted back to subcutaneous insulin. Anticonvulsants for preventing mortality and morbidity in full-term newborns with perinatal asphyxia. Amniotic fluid embolus Amniotic fluid embolism is rare, with estimates of the incidence varying between 1. Until relatively recently, third trimester induction was generally achieved with standard prostaglandin E2 preparations. The breech is then held up behind the pubic arch, lateral flexion allowing the posterior hip to be born first. The law does not have the jurisdiction to declare that such medical intervention is lawful to protect the interests of the unborn child even at the point of birth. This may be difficult to achieve in smaller units, and again consideration should be given to delivering these cases in a unit attached to a haemophilia centre [E]. Flares may be harder to diagnose in pregnancy because many features, such as fatigue, erythema, anaemia and hair fall, are common to both. Augmentation of labour: Does internal tocography result in better obstetric outcome. Midline episiotomy certainly Conduct of normal birth In nulliparae during the weeks before giving birth, perineal massage appears to protect against perineal trauma (risk difference -0. Similar advice should be proferred to an immunocompromised person exposed to shingles.

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Superiority of the four-quadrant sum over the single-deepest-pocket technique in ultrasonographic identification of abnormal amniotic fluid volumes. Placenta praevia, particularly in patients with a previous uterine scar, may be associated with uncontrollable uterine haemorrhage at delivery, and caesarean hysterectomy may be necessary. The objectives of such tests are to identify whether azoospermia is due to a primary testicular disorder or an outflow obstruction. Radiotherapy to the pelvis is contraindicated in pregnancy due to the effects on the fetus, which cannot be shielded. There were a further 65 cases in which psychiatric disorder caused or contributed to the death. Cohort studies show that the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Score is effective in detecting women at risk of postnatal mood disorders. These antibodies provide immunity, whether obtained from resolution of infection or vaccination with HbsAg. Dopamine agonists for the inhibition of lactation should not be used in women with pre-eclampsia or a personal or strong family history of thromboembolic disease. Pre-eclampsia is perhaps the best known, and many of the placental abnormalities are common to both conditions. Partial gonadal dysgenesis with some testicular function, and mixed gonadal dysgenesis (a unilateral testis and a contralateral streak gonad) are conditions that usually present with variable degrees of genital masculinization or ambiguity. There is a second smaller oval subareolar satellite mass (arrow) not previously identified on the other modalities. Pulmonary pressures are suprasystemic, thus reducing blood flow to the fetal lung. Rheumatic heart disease is still seen among immigrant women, who require a complete medical examination, including cardiovascular examination, by an appropriately trained doctor at booking. The management in labour, consequent on a decision to aim for a vaginal breech delivery, is discussed in detail in Chapter 35, Breech presentation. Family size throughout the world has been reduced by improving access to contraception, and some reduction in perinatal mortality can be achieved by basic hygiene, access to trained health workers and simple, well-tried technology. A considerable body of work has investigated the use of misoprostol in this situation. Signs helpful in the differentiation of physiological from pathological obstruction have been suggested. This study shows some benefit and no harm in induction at 37 weeks in women with mild pre-eclampsia or hypertension (see Table 25. Among the infectious diseases, five of the 16 deaths were due to human immunodeficiency virus. Malposition of the fetal head in labour is a risk factor for long labour and instrumental delivery and thus perineal trauma. Uterus didelphys, obstructed hemivagina, and ipsilateral renal agenesis: the University of Minnesota experience. Signs of uterine rupture are: fetal bradycardia, upward displacement of the presenting part, sudden loss of contractions, maternal hypotension, heavy vaginal bleeding. The mass is more clearly identified with this high-frequency technique compared with the low-frequency exam. Where there are specific concerns, the genetic laboratory may be able to help with specific diagnoses by utilizing other techniques such as fluorescent in-situ hybridization or polymerase chain reaction. Thus, when women present in early labour (<4 cm), particularly if they are nulliparous, check that all is well with mother and baby, explain sympathetically to the mother that preparation is under way for progressive labour, be patient and buy time. Position is defined as the relationship of the denominator of the presenting part of the fetus to fixed points of the maternal pelvis.

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The method of delivery will be determined by the cause and severity of the bleeding, the fetal gestation and status. The commonest complication is pulmonary oedema secondary to increased left atrial pressure and precipitated by increased heart rate or increased volume (such as occurs during the third stage of labour) [C]. Ultrasound should be used to: previous abruption/family history of abruption, fetal abnormality, rapid uterine decompression (rupture of membranes with polyhydramnios), trauma, chronic chorioamnionitis, smoking, abnormal placentation (circumvallate placenta, etc. All forms of glucose intolerance, including gestational diabetes, are associated with an increased risk [D]. Assessment before induction commences As with any intervention, before proceeding with an induction, it is important to ensure that the indication for induction still exists, and that any specific labour management issues that may occur as a consequence of the intervention are highlighted. However, it has greater precision and can be used if there is doubt about the nature of a fibroid mass7 or to assess suitability for uterine artery embolization [B]. With high-frequency sonography, 50 to 60% of mammographic malignant calcifications without density or mass are associated with a sonographic mass. Although several million sperm are deposited in the vagina, only about 200 will come in contact with the oocyte. The objective of the former is to alleviate the stresses imposed on the couple by infertility and to help them through the grieving process after a failed cycle or pregnancy loss. Long-term data from these studies are not yet available and assessment of longer term efficacy is largely based on case series. Occlusive devices are available in a range of sizes and initially need to be fitted by trained personnel. The cervix and cervical ripening the cervix consists primarily of connective tissue in which collagen fibres are embedded in ground substance. During the former, continued descent of the fetal head occurs with neither maternal effort nor urge to push. Bleeding at mid-cycle is secondary to the mid-cycle oestradiol surge and is regarded as physiological. Erythropoiesis is stimulated in the fetal liver, which enlarges but is eventually unable to meet the increased demand. The number of direct deaths has changed little in the last 12 years, but the number of indirect deaths has steadily increased. There is a wide variation in amniotic fluid volume throughout gestation, with a gradual increase as pregnancy progresses before decreasing after 36 weeks gestation. The evidence on whether a single layer closure is associated with higher rates of subsequent rupture is conflicting. In these cases, either aspiration or biopsy should be performed to identify intracystic tumors; 75% of solid intracystic masses are benign (mostly papillomas), 20% are malignant, and 5% are phyllodes tumors. Sexing the baby is essential for identity and naming, but may be very difficult in early fetal deaths. Hypovolaemia results in an increased haematocrit and the haemoglobin may also be raised. In this case, the hyperechoic center of the lymph node could not be identified with the lower frequency. The higher-frequency study not only localizes the mammographic mass but also clearly identifies the benign nature of the mass. The International Cerebral Palsy Task Force has listed criteria essential to link brain injury to an earlier intrapartum hypoxic event. It is hypothesized that prenatal infection increases the liability to schizophrenia in adulthood by adversely affecting the maturation of critical brain structural and functional components implicated in the aetiology of this disorder.

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